We field a lot of calls here at the City of Tuscola!  These are some of the most frequently asked, and easily answered, questions we get by category.


If you don't see your question here, feel free to click the "Contact Us" tab to the right of the screen to contact us directly.


The City Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of every month beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Tuscola City Hall, 214 N. Main ST.   Should the regular meeting date fall on a City recognized holiday, the meeting will be held on the next business day.  The pending meeting agenda, currently approved minutes, and yearly schedule of meetings is available on the City Council page.

To request to be listed on an upcoming City Council agenda, complete the request for time on agenda form, available here.   Forms must be returned to City Hall by noon on the Friday prior to the requested meeting. 


Members of the public are also invited to speak during the regularly scheduled public comment period that is on each meeting agenda.  Persons wishing to address the council during the public comment portion of the meeting must sign the list  and state his/her name and address at least 5 minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting.  The public comment portion of the meeting is limited to no more than 30 minutes and each registered speaker is limited to 5 minutes of comments. (City of Tuscola Ordinance 2015-O-8)

The City of Tuscola is divided into 4 voting wards for city council representative elections.  To find out what ward you live in click the link and find your residence on the map.  Your ward is the one that corresponds with the color of shading on your property.

 City Ward Map 

Please visit the Community Building page for more information!

First check the Community Building Calendar to see if the building is available.   Then contact City Hall at (217) 253-2112 or by email to info@tuscola.org to actually reserve the building.

Click here to view our Community Building page. There is an additional $50 surcharge for events with alcohol.

The community building is an air conditioned building with an auditorium measuring 68′ x 70′ = 4,760 sq. ft.; occupancy load with chairs only – 475; with tables and chairs – 300. For more details about fire safety and safe use of the this building, see Exhibit B - Community Building Rules.

All trash complaints are  handled by the Tuscola Police Department, 217-253-2351.   For tall grass and weed complaints, call Tuscola City Hall, 217-253-2112.

Complaints can be submitted electronically through our Contact Us page.

All complaints of this type are handled by the building inspector at City Hall, 217-253- 2112. 

Complaints can be submitted electronically through our Contact Us page.

You may contact our City Administrator at City Hall at 217-253-2112 or your council person.  Council members are listed on our City Officials page.


Go to the  Fire Department  page to download an application form.

ISO 4.

Carbon Monoxide Alarm Detector Act:

Starting January 1, 2007, requires every dwelling unit to be equipped with at least one carbon monoxide detector within 15 feet of every room used for sleeping purposes.  Every structure that contains more than one dwelling unit shall contain at least one detector within 15 feet of every room used for sleeping purposes.  For more information, call the fire department or download the CO Detector Law.

Waste Management has informed the City, and local customers, of its intention to stop alley pickup in most locations in Tuscola.  A postcard (image below) to that effect was mailed out late December 2022 to residents in the affected areas.  Waste Management intends to begin this policy of curbside only pick up the week of January 16, which is garbage collection day Wednesday, January 18 in the City.  The first week, both curbsides and existing alley pickup locations will be serviced, with reminder tags placed on the alley locations that have garbage but will not be serviced in future pickups.


Residents with questions about this change, or who wish to request a hardship waiver of this policy, should call Waste Management at either 800-964-8988 or 866-909-4458.  


Pickup day for garbage in all of the City of Tuscola is Wednesday.   Waste Management request that garbage be placed out for pickup by 6:00 a.m.
If your collection day falls on a holiday, then collection will be the next day. If your collection day falls after the holiday, please put out your trash on the regular day, but note that pick-up may be delayed one day.

Waste Management holidays include:  Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Day.  For more specific information about garbage services please contact Waste Management at 800-964-8988.

Residents are required to use a garbage tote provided by the garbage company. Residents can call Waste Management 800-964-8988 to request a tote. There is no fee for the tote.

Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New

                                Years Day


                                If your collection day falls on a holiday, garbage collection will be the next day.  If your

                                collection day falls after the holiday, please put out your trash on the regular day, but

                                note that pick-up may be delayed one day.

The fee is included on your water bill.  The amount will be: $15.89-November 2023 - October 2024 and $16.29 starting November 2024 - October 2025.

 Waste Management  at 800-964-8988

For disposal of large garbage items such as furniture, please call Waste Management at 800-964-8988.


Waste Management offers curbside recycling to residents located in the City limits of Tuscola. Call Waste Management at 800-964-8988 for more information and to request a recycle tote. There is no fee for the recycling program or the recycling tote.

Yard waste may be taken to the landscape waste facility located on the first road south of the railroad track going east off of Prairie Street.   No limbs over 4 inches in diameter and no plastic bags are allowed.  Commercial contractors are NOT allowed to use the landscape waste facility. 


The landscape waste pile is managed by the City of Tuscola and in NO CIRCUMSTANCES should anyone, not employed by the City, burn or otherwise attempt to manage the debris.

Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday: 7:00 AM to Noon

No, the City does not pick up yard waste unless it is storm debris.  Storm debris must by placed out by the street shortly following the storm.

No, city codes and state laws do not allow burning of any material within the city or the city’s zoning jurisdiction (within 1 1/2 miles surrounding the City corporate limits).

Exceptions:  Recreational fires (usually for cooking), approved fireplaces and wood burning stoves,  closed furnace incinerators approved by the fire chief,  or environmental burns approved by the fire chief.   

Contact information for the fire chief is available on our Fire Department page.

Waste Managment offers an optional curbside recycling pick up service.  To learn more about the service, call  at 800-964-8988.   Waste Management services everyone that lives North of Northline Rd on the odd weeks and everyone that lives South of Northline Rd on the even weeks. Please see the "Recycling Calendar" below to determine your schedule.


Recycling Calendar

The park pavilions are on a “first-come; first-served” basis.   No reservations are taken or required.

Call the Tuscola Pool at 217-253-4932.

Pool hours are 12:30 PM to 7:30 PM during pool season. The pool does close due to inclement weather and should the temperature fall below 70 degrees.

Visit our Parks Department page for more information.

Both Ervin Park and Wimple Park shall be open to the public daily from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM, Sunday through Thursday, and from 6:00 AM to Midnight, Friday and Saturday of each week, throughout the months of April through October of each year. However, the opening and closing of the park may be accelerated or delayed by the City Council, depending upon the weather conditions.

Building permits are needed for all buildings or structures being erected, altered, relocated, or demolished. A Structure is defined as anything constructed, made, or erected; the use of which requires location on the ground, or attachment to something having a fixed location on the ground.  Among other things, structures include buildings, mobile homes, walls, fences, signs, swimming pools, and all masts, antennas, dishes, or other devices designed to receive radio or television signals.  Please visit the Building Department page for complete information regarding building permits.

The Building Inspector at City Hall, 217-253-2112, extension 27 or by email to msalmon@tuscola.org .  Applications for all permits as well as other contractor codes, fees, and requirements are available on the Building Department page.

Permit fees may be paid online.

In Residential Zoning Districts:  Main structure:  25’ front, rear, and any street-facing yard. 8’ side yards are required, 10’ from alleys. If the lot or subdivision was recorded before 12/31/53, a 25% reduction of the above setbacks is allowed. 

Accessory Buildings and other structures are not allowed in the front yard setback or street facing yard, except a fence that does not materially impede vision or one not more than 30″ tall. Otherwise, setbacks for accessory structures are 10’ rear and alleys and 6’ side yards (and must be at least 5’ from the main structure) and require a footing and foundation at, or below frost level (32 inches in Central IL) Exception – if 400 square feet or less AND 10 feet or less in height, they may be 3 feet from rear and side PLs and 10 feet from alley PLs, and do not require a footing and foundation below frost level.


All other Zoning Districts: Go to the Table & Height & Area Table in the City Ordinances or check with the building official.

Yes, and the permit application is available on our Fire Department page.
Note: The City of Tuscola does not permit or allow “Consumer Fireworks” or “Consumer Fireworks Displays”

ISO 4.

Please visit the golf cart permit page for more info!

Water taps:

$725.00 for a tap of a ¾” lateral line (from the main) , up to 40 feet, and the meter.  Add $300.00 if more than 40 feet or lateral line traverses a paved street.  Larger than ¾”, will be actual cost of installing the meter and appurtenances.

Sewer taps:

Residential $250.00. Add $40.00 per unit or room for multi-family and motels.

Commercial $300.00.

Industrial $500.00.

An “Application for Municipal Water Service” must be completed and returned to City Hall, 214 N. Main St.  A Driver’s license (or state ID) card is needed to verify the identity of the person applying for service.  If renting, a $100.00 deposit is required.   Applications are available on our Water Department page.

Deposits are returned after twenty-four months of good pay history.  Deposits are also returned when you move out of town, or purchase a home.  Deposits are applied to the customer's account balance or refunded by check to the last mailing address upon termination of service.  Deposits can be transferred to a new account if the customer moves.

All City of Tuscola water and sewer department bills are due on the 10th of the month.   As of the 11th, a 10% penalty is applied.  Accounts not paid by the 20th of the month are subject to disconnection of services.  Services disconnected for non payment will incur an additional $25 fee.

To have water reconnected due to nonpayment, the amount of the bill is required along with a $25.00 fee.   A $100.00 deposit will also be required, if one is not already on file.

You may pay your water bill at any banking facility in town, or at City Hall, 214 N. Main St.   Should you pay at City Hall, you may pay in person, or use our drop box.   You may also pay online by clicking the Make Payment arrow to the right of the screen or by direct bank payment.

Yes, we take Visa, Discover, American Express, and Master Card. There is a 3% (+ .50 if under $100) service charge when using a credit card and you must present a photo ID.  To pay on-line, go to the payments page.

Yes, go to our Water Department page, and download the Direct Pay Authorization Form, and submit the signed form to the City of Tuscola.  There is no fee for this service!

If you are unable to pay the entire bill before disconnection, we can make a payment agreement to defer 1/2 of the total amount due. The agreement must be made at City Hall prior to disconnection of service. The balance of the bill must be paid before the end of the month in which the agreement was made. A customer is allowed 3 payment agreements within a twelve month period. If a customer has a hardship and cannot pay even 1/2 of the bill, we will refer them to a charitable organization to apply for assistance.

Yes, we do not give discounts on the water or sewer portion of your water bill due to the filling of a swimming pool.

You may contact the Douglas County Sheriff’s office at (217) 253-2913. They will page our City Services Foreman.

We have completed installation of autoread meters for all residential and commercial accounts eliminating the need for estimation due to inclement weather. Should there be a mechanical/electronic malfunction at the same time we have inclement weather, meters would be estimated.

Please contact City Hall (253-2112) prior to contacting a repair service. Our sewer department will be able to verify if the problem is on the City’s side or if you need to contact a repair service.

Please view our  Boil Order FAQ .

City of Tuscola – Water and Sewer Department: 217-253-2112
Ameren- Gas and Electric: Residential 1-800-755-5000 and Business 1-800-232-2477
Frontier: Land Line Telephone Service 1-877-462-4008
Waste Management - Garbage Service: 1-800-964-8988
Bryant’s Recycling - Rural Tuscola: 217-253-2477
JULIE- Utility Locating: 1-800-892-0123

Call the animal shelter, (217) 253-4921. If it is after hours, contact the City of Tuscola Police Dept. at (217) 253-2351 or the Douglas County Sheriff’s office at (217) 253-2913.

(217) 253-2813

Tuscola is one of 33 communities in the State of IL who have this designation. StormReady communities are better prepared to save lives from the onslaught of severe weather through better planning, education, awareness, and warning systems. In order to obtain the designation the city had to meet stringent criteria. For more detailed information about this designation, visit the National Weather Service “Storm Ready” link.

7.75% is the total sales tax rate on general merchandise.  That rate includes the State rate of 6.25%, School Facilities tax of 1%, and Tuscola Home Rule tax of 0.5%

Qualifying Food and Drugs rate is 1%

Vehicle Sales is 6.25%

Most streetlights should be reported to Ameren CIPS  at 1-888-789-2477. 

The only exception to that is the decorative, antique street lights on Main and Sale Streets, and those are reported to City Hall  at (217) 253- 2112.

All traffic violations are to be paid at the Douglas County Circuit Clerk’s office (217-253-2352) located in the Douglas County Courthouse.

Before operating a snowmobile within the City of Tuscola, please read and comply with all conditions for use as outlined in Tuscola City Code of Ordinances Chapter 71! 

 (A)   The following streets or parts thereof in the city are designated as snowmobile trails:

      (1)   North Parke Street from the intersection thereof with North Line Road to the intersection of North Parke Street with North Central Avenue.

      (2)   Washington Street from the intersection thereof with North Central Avenue to the intersection of Washington Street with South Line Road.

      (3)   North Prairie Street from the intersection thereof with North Line Road to the intersection of North Prairie Street with North Central Avenue.

      (4)   North Central Avenue from the intersection thereof with North Prairie Street to the intersection thereof with North Parke Street.

      (5)   Barker Street from the intersection thereof with North Prairie Street to the intersection thereof with North Parke Street.

      (6)   Carico Street from the intersection thereof with North Central Avenue to the intersection thereof with East Scott Street.

      (7)   North Line Road from the intersection thereof with North Parke Street, west to the west city limit.

   (B)   Only those streets, or parts thereof, herein designated as snowmobile trails shall be used for the operation of snowmobiles in the city, and no snowmobile shall be operated on any other street within the city.  All persons operating snowmobiles upon the snowmobile trails herein designated shall do so as close as possible to the right side of the roadway.

The City of Tuscola follows State statute when it comes to curfew.  Curfew hours refers to those under 17 years of age.  


"Curfew hours" means:
            (A) Between 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on Saturday;
            (B) Between 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on Sunday;



            (C) Between 11:00 p.m. on Sunday to Thursday,


inclusive, and 6:00 a.m. on the following day.


For more information, please refer to the State statue found here: 

(720 ILCS 5/12C-60) 
    Sec. 12C-60. Curfew



The City of Tuscola employs approximately 25 full time employees in our street department, police department, park department, water and sewer department and at city hall.  Additionally, we have many part time employees serving in various capacities.  Our fire department is staffed with approximately 30 paid-on-call, volunteer fire fighters.

When positions are open, we will list them here and/or advertise in the local newspaper.  However, we are always accepting applications even when there is no open position.  Those applications are kept on file for one year and are reviewed first anytime there is an open position.

Information about open positions can be found at www.tuscola.org/employment

The City of Tuscola application for regular and temporary summer employment is located HERE  


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The City of Tuscola has began our fall leaf collection schedule.  More information here:



2024 Golf Cart Permits Available NOW!

2024 City of Tuscola Golf Cart Permits are available NOW!  

Purchase your 2024 permit here:

Golf Cart Permit Application



>  Monday's regularly scheduled Tuscola City Council meeting has been rescheduled to today WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2024.  The previously posted meeting agenda will remain the same.

> Waste Management cancelled their operations for Monday, pushing their garbage collection schedule back one day for the rest of the week.  City of Tuscola residents garbage day will be THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 2024



Now Hiring Lifeguards!

The Tuscola Pool is now hiring lifeguards, and aspiring lifeguards, for the 2024 summer season!  Please apply on-line at https://tuscola.org/pool-apply  

Lifeguards must be at least 15 years old, be able to complete City-provided training classes, and become certified in order to be hired.